New at our 2020 show! Contests, Time Changes & Prizes! (All of the changes listed below are in the 2020 Competition rules, click here to view.) • NEW! $250 Dove Decoy Purchase Award, Best of Show • NEW! Senior Decorative Life-Size Floating Decoy Contest - Tank (Not IWCA) At the request of many of our “Seasoned Carvers” ODCCA is offering a new decorative decoy contest for those who want to admit (and can prove) they are 65 years or older as of March 14, 2020. Clean your glasses, sharpen your knives, and start carving now for this fun contest! Entry must be made since the previous ODCCA show, March 9, 2019. • NEW! IWCA Style Decoy Championship The International Wildfowl Carvers Association has designated the IWCA Style Decoy Championship to be held at the 2020 ODCCA show. Cash prizes will be: Best of Show - $300; 2nd Best of Show - $200; and 3rd Best of Show $100. • NEW! Working Decoy Singles Championship, Delta Waterfowl North Central Ohio Chapter Purchase Award Contest – Tank, (Not IWCA) The Delta Waterfowl North Central Ohio Chapter is sponsoring the Working Decoy Singles Championship with a Best of Show $400 Purchase Award. The contest is not IWCA and the level of competition is Open only. Thank you Delta! • New! $250 Singles Best of Show & Rosette Wildfowler Pool Contests Single, Six-Bird Rig & Youth - Not IWCA In response to many suggestions made at last year’s show, Vince Ciola and Ken Stuparyk reached out to Wildfowler participants to seek their input. The results of the survey and a visual reference are included in the 2020 Competition Rules. New Wildfowler Registration Times - To make registration more convenient, two registration times will be held for the Wildfowler Competitions. The times and locations will coincide with the usual contest registrations in the Ballroom: Friday, March 13, 2020, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.; and Saturday, March 14, 2020, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. Wildfowler entries will be on display in the Ballroom for public viewing throughout the day on Saturday prior to the contest. Volunteers will be needed to help move the decoys to the pool area. New Wildfowler Contest Time and Day: 9 p.m., Saturday night, March 14, 2020, pool area. Many people commented about having to get up early on Sunday morning. So in 2020, the Wildfowler contests will be held Saturday night beginning at 9 p.m., giving our participants time to have a nice dinner after the auction, and to “sleep in” Sunday morning. Other Contest Changes: Friday Night Kid's Painting contest will be a Blue Gill. Ward World Youth Silhouette will be a Screech Owl, click here for pattern. Decoy Paint-at-Show contest will be a Canada Goose Picklehead. Shorebird Carve-at-Home & Paint-at-Show will be a Piping Plover Fish Decoy Carve-at-Home and Paint-at-Show will be a Pan Fish. |
Vendors: Dwane Ong, [email protected]
734-934-2548. Carving Contests: Jim Brace, [email protected] 513-477-8434 Volunteers: Jim Brace, [email protected] 513-477-8434 Ky Kraus Memorial Auction Saturday: Vic Sutek, [email protected] 330-206-4727 or Ken Vacavone, [email protected] 330-651-7300 President: Brad Falkinburg [email protected] Membership: [email protected] Secretary: [email protected] Facebook: Ohio Decoy Collectors and Carvers Association ODCCA P.O. Box 633 Bowling Green, OH 43402-2855 |
Room ReservationsClick here for room reservations.
Regarded as the largest event of its kind in the Midwest, rooms sold out fast last year! The ODCCA 46th annual show and sale is being held at the Holiday Inn Cleveland South, Independence Ohio, March 15 – 16, 2025. Weekend admission is $5, children 17 and under free, and includes collector button. |
Ballroom Dealer Information
Click here for more dealer information.
Sales hours in the ballroom have been expanded to include Friday night to coincide with the Meet/Greet & Buy/Sell party located in the ballroom. Snacks and keg beer will be provided. Ballroom sales include vintage and contemporary decoys, hunting and fishing collectibles, sporting goods, paintings, prints carving supplies. |
At the ShowClick here for 2025 Competition Rules.
24 carving contests for over $11,000 in cash prizes. Duck decoys, shorebirds, fish decoys, owls, hawks, songbirds, jig sticks and miniatures will be judged throughout the weekend. Saturday Ky Kraus Memorial Auction, raffles silent auctions thoughout the weekend. |
MembershipMembership is a bargain and helps to sustain this show,
$20 / 1 Year (Canada $25 / 1 Year) $55 / 3 Years (Canada $65 / 3 Years) Silver Life Membership $300 / Birth thru Age 55 Silver Life $225 / Age 56 thru 64 Silver Life $150 Age 65 & up Silver Life *Birthdate is required ONLY for Silver Life Membership Click here for more information and to signup. |
How ODCCA BeganOn March 15 - 16, 2025, the ODCCA is holding its 46th Annual Vintage Decoys & Wildlife SHOW and SALE.
In 1963, a group of decoy collectors met in the Cleveland area to share their interest and knowledge about this artform first created by indigenous people. In 1976, the ODCCA was organized with the goal of holding an annual show and sale. Thanks to our dedicated volunteers who have kept this show going for 45 years! |